Monday, 27 April 2009

Day 9 water rescue and ICS (incident command system)

Today has been a easy day so far as all we did for the first half of the day we learnt about water rescue. So what is water rescue you may ask or not? well today we learnt about the tools that are on our appliances like life jackets, throw lines and that's about it unless you gonna on an additional course to be able to wade through the water.

So what can I do when I go to station? well if you unfortunate enough to fall into a river I'll be looking for you from the point of entry downstream and another crew going upstream wearing a life jacket and each F.F. carrying a throw line. A throw line is 25m long and floats on the water, it is housed in a bag and what we''l do if we see you is....

1) get your attention and hold the throw line above my head so you know what it is I'm about to throw at you.
2) throw the line in front of you so that as you travel down stream you should come to it and grab it.
3) from there I would hold the line tight and as you travel downstream and as I stay still and you continue moving I cuase a pendelum effect and bring you back to to shaw.


The afternoon was all about ICS and I'll brief it very quickly. We learnt about who is in charge at incidents and how the OIC (officer in charge) plans what he does and how he delegates jobs and lots of other bits. If you really want to know more drop me a message and I'll tell you more.

Saturday, 25 April 2009

Day 8 RTC

Without sounding weird but RTC is my fav thing. As per everyday so far we started off with theory for the first half of the day doing the theory side and then after lunch we went to the RTC pad to to it into practice.

We went through the very basic stuff as an initial introduction as one of of guys is going to be rds and he needs to know the basics so he can atleast do something at an RTC.

So to start off we went from turning up and parking the appliance in the fendoff position, the OIC approaches the front of the vehicle talking to the casualty, 2 of us stabilise the car with the stair chocks after that we need to do glass management so that it doesn't shatter whilst extricate the casualty.

I'm abit upset that we didn't get to cut the car up but we will have a whole week of it later on in the week (evil laugh)
Day 7 Rope packs

Today was all about rope packs. Another enjoyable day where we lerned about whats in the red bags and what's the difference between rds bags and W/T bags, W/T can only lower and lift casualties.

We went through the rope packs and learnt about what things do and what their limitations are we also learnt about systems of work like work restraint, fall assist and work positioning.

After dinner we went into the yard and put on our gear and half of us went to climb the radio tower using the hooks on the fall arrest harness and the other half learnt about setting anchor point and setting the rope for different systems of work and that was pretty much it for today.
day 6 and I'm a smooth pump opertater

I really enjoyed today as we were taught how to use the pump. So as normal in the lecture room with the theory and after tea break we went onto the yard and did the practical. We did the very basic but essential drills like getting the engine on, engaging the PTO (power take off), opening the tank, switch between high pressure or low pressure via the cross over bar and getting a HRJ (hose reel jet) working.

After we gained the basic knowledge and had an idea what the gauges meant we moved to getting 1 HRJ working from the tank, setting in a hydrant and then working from a hydrant which isnt as simple as it sounds. We rotated this in groups of 3 so everyone got a chance to be no.2 (pump operator)
Day 5 and all is well so far.

This will be a short type as all we did all day was slipping, pitching and stowing the 13.5 ladder. All pretty much the same but with a few extra commands due to the poles and plumbing gear.

We did lose a rds guy during tea break due to a bad ankle which wasa first for one of the W/M and I forgot to mention another rds fella got sent home on day 4 due to still working after going home and under the working time directive he can't do.
Day 4

Monday and a new start to the week and over the weekend I was in pain, pain in muscles I never knew I had, getting out of bed was a experience. I got to the training centre and to my like I was't the only one who suffered over the weekend everyone did.

Today is 10.5 meter ladder day and started off in the lecture room. The W/M gave us a powerpoint presentation on how a ladder was made up and what certain parts were called also ladders commands to get it off the appliance, get it to the working area, get it into the building or place of work and put it back on the appliance. After death by powerpoint we got into full PPE and went into the yard and did it.

I'll be honest here and say I'm not really sure what to write for the rest of this day as it was purely working in crews of 3 or 4 and slipping, pitching and stowing the ladder back on the pump. If you want to know anything just ask.
Day 3 "hoses are you best friends"

Day 3 was a very long day indeed. We started out in the morning learning quickly about how main delivery hose (the red stuff) was made and what it uses and limitations were and then just before break we found out that we would be hose running for the rest of the day YAY :( So after learning about main delivery hose we were shown the proper way to lift, carry, run out, under run, place the hose back down and shown how to connect diffeent lengths together (lots).

Tea break arrives and all I could think about was how hard it is running main delivery hose all day from my courses in North Wales & Essex, it hurts after a while. For about an hour all 13 of us were lined up with our "best friend" and given the order to run out, under run and make up our "best friend" until the W/M believed we had gained the skill sufficiently. Next we were put into pairs and same again run out the hoses but add a length aswel from your no.2 and this went on again for upto an hour when lunch came about, Mmmmmm free dinners and chocalate cake :).

Again from my latter courses I knew not to eat a big dinner and stuck to salad as what goes down must come up and food + exercise = big mess. Again we were paired up again and just to remind us of what to do we ran out 1 delivery consisting of 1 lengths again as a warm up. Moving on from a pair we were put into groups of 3 and shown how to run out lengths with a branch and asking for "water on" never be no.3 or 4 as u will be running even more, you have been warned. after that we were out into groups of 6 and told " I want 1 delivery consisting of 6 lenghts, get to work" unfortunatly I was number 6 and had to carry my 10-15 kg hose behind 5 others whilst 1 by 1 than ran out there 25m hose and as I get to my turn Im knackered.

The day ends there for us and I'm hurting in places but atleast the day is over with.

Thursday, 16 April 2009

Day 2 in the big fire house.

It's 22:45 and I'm seriously knackered whilst trying to write this blog.

The morning started off again with more about manual handling followed by risk assessment training (very important). We have a Staion Officer who is the main person for our core training and lectures and we had him all morning.

Tea break around 10:30 and this time we have worked out that we don't pay the till lady for our tea or coffee but I do suggest if you come here don't press the hot choc button otherwise you will recieve a nice cup of sewage water. After break more risk assessment training till lunch and back to the free food and I've gotta say it's quite good although some of the Watch managers would tell you different.

After we finished lunch we were taught ways of casualty moving wether they be conciuous or not but then it happned!!!! whilst lowering a casualty I heared a rip and what a suprise I split my 1 day old trousers but atleast I have extra ventilation down there.

The rest of the afternoon was a complete blur, why you ask!!! cos we were being taught about our fire kit and how it keeps heat in and how heat effects us. So in the easiest way possible for the Watch managers to teach us we were beasted on the drill yard and I've not been pushed that much in a while. Around the drill yard a few times, open and down the 5 floor drill tower, not being allowed to stop and when you were stood still you had to jog but everyone was suffereing especialy me. I had to stop 1-2 times as I had a major cramp in my left side just under my rib and I couldnt go on anymore. BIG MISTAKE I was kindly edged on by oneof the Watch Managers and even dragged as I was in So much pain.

We know were hose running tomorrow, lots and lots of running so wish me luck.

Wednesday, 15 April 2009

First day is over!!!!!!

I expected to be running hoses all day but I didn't touch one. The morning started off with all of the students giving an introduction of themselves, age, what you've done in the past, why you want to be in the fire service and what do you expect to get from the course.

Next we had a tour of the training centre (nice place), shown where to be at 09:00 everyday all ironed with the creases in place and polished shoes. Next it was morning break and we were sent to the canteen for a tea or coffee but we were told that we needed a card to get food and drink so we just sat in the canteen wondering what we do.

After break we were assembled in the appliance bay to go through our fire kit, make sure it fits right, mark it up and hang it up ready to be used.

Lunch time arrived and what a bonus, for the next 15 weeks we get food to the value of £5 for free wooohoooo BUT we can only have a fruit and a main or main and a pudding. For me who likes his chocolate was gutted to find that we cant use the voucher for anything else other than the above mentioned.

The afternoon was diversity training and meeting the group training commender followed by death by powerpoint for manual handling. 17:00 arrived and the manual handling training still hadnt finished so guess what MORE powerpoint in the morning.

Off to bed now

Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Dum Dum Dummmmmmmmmm

Well today is the first day of the next 15 weeks and I've been up since 06:00. I'm all ready to go, I've ironed all my kit, polished my boots and now I'm just sat here twiddling my thumbs listening to my girlfriend telling me she thought Polar Bears came from Poland (numbty).

Right now I'm really excited, nervous and watching the clock go backwards (roll on 07:45). I know what's meant to be happening over the next 14 weeks from an open evening last wednesday night but nothing can really prepare you for what's about to happen.

well I'm off now, wish me luck, oh yeah I just realised zero followers.

Tuesday, 24 February 2009